Science Topic Test : Chemical Changes, Interaction within Ecosystems , Separation Techniques (Distillation and Paper Chromatography only)

May 6, 2024

Test Paper 1: Chemical Changes

  1. What is a chemical change?
    • A) A change in state of matter
    • B) A change where new substances are formed
    • C) A change that is reversible
    • D) A change involving only physical properties
  2. Which of the following is a sign of a chemical change?
    • A) Change in shape
    • B) Change in size
    • C) Formation of a precipitate
    • D) Dissolution in water
  3. What happens when iron rusts?
    • A) It loses weight
    • B) It undergoes a physical change
    • C) It combines with oxygen to form a new substance
    • D) It retains its original properties
  4. Which is an example of a chemical reaction?
    • A) Boiling of water
    • B) Melting of butter
    • C) Burning of paper
    • D) Slicing of bread
  5. What is required to start a chemical reaction?
    • A) Catalyst
    • B) Inhibitor
    • C) Accelerator
    • D) All of the above

Test Paper 2: Interaction within Ecosystems

  1. What is an ecosystem?
    • A) A community of people
    • B) A single organism
    • C) Interacting organisms and their environment
    • D) A collection of minerals
  2. Which component is not a part of an ecosystem?
    • A) Animals
    • B) Plants
    • C) Buildings
    • D) Weather
  3. What is the role of producers in an ecosystem?
    • A) They consume other organisms
    • B) They produce oxygen and food
    • C) They decompose dead material
    • D) They control the population of species
  4. Which of the following is an example of a decomposer?
    • A) Lion
    • B) Mushroom
    • C) Grass
    • D) Giraffe
  5. What is a food chain?
    • A) A series of restaurants
    • B) A process of cooking food
    • C) A sequence where organisms eat and are eaten
    • D) A system for growing food

Test Paper 3: Separation Techniques – Distillation

  1. What is distillation used for?
    • A) Mixing liquids
    • B) Separating mixed liquids based on boiling points
    • C) Filtering solids from liquids
    • D) Changing the chemical composition of liquids
  2. In the distillation process, what happens to the liquid with the lower boiling point?
    • A) It condenses first
    • B) It evaporates first
    • C) It remains in the distillation flask
    • D) It changes into a solid
  3. What is the purpose of a condenser in distillation?
    • A) To heat the liquid
    • B) To mix liquids
    • C) To cool down vapor and turn it back into liquid
    • D) To separate solids
  4. Which of the following can be separated by simple distillation?
    • A) Salt from water
    • B) Alcohol from water
    • C) Sand from water
    • D) Oil from water
  5. What is a key requirement for a mixture to be separated by distillation?
    • A) High pressure
    • B) Different boiling points
    • C) Similar boiling points
    • D) High viscosity

Test Paper 4: Separation Techniques – Paper Chromatography

  1. What is the principle behind paper chromatography?
    • A) Evaporation
    • B) Solubility
    • C) Precipitation
    • D) Density
  2. What does the stationary phase refer to in paper chromatography?
    • A) The paper
    • B) The solvent
    • C) The mixture
    • D) The atmosphere
  3. Why is a baseline drawn in pencil in paper chromatography?
    • A) Pencil reacts with the solvent
    • B) Pencil marks do not dissolve in the solvent
    • C) It helps the paper absorb the solvent
    • D) It indicates where to place the paper in the solvent
  4. What determines how far a substance travels in paper chromatography?
    • A) Its color
    • B) Its solubility in the solvent
    • C) Its weight
    • D) Its boiling point
  5. What is the purpose of using a solvent in chromatography?
    • A) To draw on the paper
    • B) To dissolve the substances in the mixture
    • C) To hold the paper upright
    • D) To act as a filter

Chemical Changes

  1. What is the product formed when magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid?
  2. Name the type of reaction where two or more substances combine to form a single product.
  3. What color change indicates the oxidation of iron?
  4. Which gas is commonly produced in reactions involving acids and carbonates?
  5. What is the term for a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without being consumed?

Interaction within Ecosystems

  1. What type of organism is the primary source of energy in any ecosystem?
  2. Name the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy.
  3. What is the term used for a graphical representation of the number, biomass, or energy of organisms at each trophic level in an ecosystem?
  4. What do we call organisms that feed directly on producers?
  5. Which cycle involves the process of converting atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for plants?

Separation Techniques – Distillation

  1. What do you call the device used to cool vapors back into liquid during distillation?
  2. Name a common laboratory use for distillation.
  3. What is the main reason why fractional distillation is used instead of simple distillation for crude oil?
  4. During distillation, what is the term for the liquid that collects after it has been vaporized and condensed?
  5. What type of distillation would you use to separate components of air?

Separation Techniques – Paper Chromatography

  1. What is used as the mobile phase in paper chromatography?
  2. Name the effect that causes the separation of different components in chromatography.
  3. What should you use to mark the origin line in paper chromatography to ensure it doesn’t interfere with the separation?
  4. What term describes the ratio between the distance traveled by the solute and the solvent front in chromatography?
  5. In chromatography, which component travels further on the paper: the one with higher or lower solubility in the solvent?

Chemical Changes

  1. What substance is formed when a metal reacts with oxygen?
  2. What is the term for a chemical reaction that absorbs heat from the surroundings?
  3. Name the type of chemical reaction that involves a substance combining with oxygen to release energy and light.
  4. Which indicator turns pink in basic solutions and colorless in acidic solutions?
  5. What type of reaction occurs when an acid and a base neutralize each other to form water and a salt?

Interaction within Ecosystems

  1. What term is used for animals that only eat plants?
  2. Name the large-scale geographical ecosystem type characterized by specific types of natural vegetation and climate conditions.
  3. What is the apex predator in a food chain?
  4. What term describes organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms, returning essential nutrients to the ecosystem?
  5. Which natural process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to regulate Earth’s climate?

Separation Techniques – Distillation

  1. What is the difference between simple and fractional distillation?
  2. Name the property that primarily determines how substances are separated by distillation.
  3. In the context of distillation, what is a ‘fraction’?
  4. What kind of mixtures can be separated by steam distillation?
  5. What role does a Liebig condenser play in a distillation setup?

Separation Techniques – Paper Chromatography

  1. How do you calculate the retention factor in paper chromatography?
  2. What is the stationary phase in gas chromatography called?
  3. Why must the chromatography paper not touch the sides of the container?
  4. What safety precaution should you observe when using solvents in chromatography?
  5. In chromatography, what determines the choice of solvent for the mobile phase?

  1. What is produced when a base reacts with an acid?
  2. Name the type of reaction that releases energy in the form of heat.
  3. What is the new substance called that forms as a result of a chemical reaction?
  4. Which gas is produced when vinegar reacts with baking soda?
  5. What term describes the breaking down of a compound into simpler substances by heating?
  6. What color change is observed when litmus paper is added to an acid?
  7. Name a common household product that undergoes a chemical change when used for cleaning.
  8. What is the main sign that a chemical change has occurred during cooking?
  9. Which element is typically involved in oxidation reactions?
  10. What is the term for the smallest particle of a compound that has the chemical properties of that compound?
  11. What type of chemical reaction involves the exchange of ions between two reactants to form new products?
  12. Name a substance that acts to reduce the activation energy needed to start a chemical reaction.
  13. Which type of reaction forms water as one of the products when an acid reacts with a metal oxide?
  14. What happens to the mass of reactants and products in a closed system during a chemical reaction, according to the law of conservation of mass?
  15. What type of chemical reaction is involved in the process of photosynthesis?
  16. Name the gas that is a common byproduct when acids react with metals.
  17. What change occurs to iron when it rusts?
  18. What type of reaction is a combustion reaction?
  19. Which substance is formed when sulfur dioxide is added to water?
  20. What is the name of the chemical process that plants use to make their own food using sunlight?

  1. What is the pH range of an acid?
  2. Name a common household alkali.
  3. What is formed when an acid reacts with a metal?
  4. Which indicator turns red in acidic solutions and blue in alkaline solutions?
  5. What type of salt is produced when hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide?
  6. What gas is typically released when an acid reacts with a carbonate?
  7. Name an acid found in the stomach that helps in digestion.
  8. What type of solution is formed when an acid is neutralized by a base?
  9. Which acid is commonly used in car batteries?
  10. What color does phenolphthalein turn in an alkaline solution?
  11. What is the product called when an acid reacts with an alkali?
  12. Which base is used in the treatment of acidic soils?
  13. Name a naturally occurring acid found in citrus fruits.
  14. What does the term ‘amphoteric’ mean in relation to a substance?
  15. Which common laboratory base, when diluted, is often used in first aid for acid burns?
  16. What property of acids and bases does litmus paper test?
  17. What is the effect of diluting an acid with water on its pH value?
  18. Name an industrial use of alkalis.
  19. What type of reaction occurs when an acid and a base react to form water and a salt?
  20. Which indicator would you use to perform a titration between an acid and a base?